VAT & Taxes

Setting up taxes


Taxes are not fun but they need to be handled. Stripe & Billflow can make it easier for you, following are the steps to collect Taxes.

Configure in Stripe

For more detailed configuration guides and how-tos in Stripe check out the docs here.

Enable in Stripe

Start by enabling taxes on your Stripe account. You can go to and add the Tax feature.

Set up Business information in Stripe Tax Settings

For more general tax details check out Stripe's guide here.

Set up Registrations in Stripe Tax Settings

Set Tax code on Stripe Products

If you haven't been using tax before, your Stripe products need a Tax Code set.

Set Tax behavior exclusive on Stripe Prices

Set product behavior to include tax, or to exclude tax.

Configure in Billflow

Enable Automatic Taxes on Billfow billing page Checkout Form settings. You can also enable Tax ID to be asked on checkout there. Make sure you are on v3 or greater!

Do not set a default tax rate on the billing page, it will conflict

Embed and view checkout form

Make sure your IP and/or billing address when viewing checkout form is in a country registered in your Stripe Tax settings. You should then see the checkout automatically calculate the tax!

Last updated